What We Do
- Fund groups tackling poverty and help people build decent livelihoods in their own communities
- Respond to humanitarian emergencies
- Increase people’s understanding in Aotearoa New Zealand of the challenges people face around the world
- Campaign against the causes of global poverty and injustice.
- We believe that transformative change cannot occur unless we are prepared to stand alongside our partners and speak out on the issues and concerns that affect their lives.
- We support people of all ethnicities, religious beliefs, gender and race.
- We provide help where needed, regardless of race, religion or region.
- We do not parachute into a community but work through strong long term partnerships.
- We work in partnership with local groups who are the experts and the activists.
- We work at the grassroots with vulnerable and marginalised people.
- We trust the wisdom of the local community to know what is needed and how best to do it.
- We support self-determination and the role of women in development.
- We share their stories and concerns with New Zealanders so we can look after each other.
Good Development - Our Approach
Justice underpins and shapes CWS’s understanding of and approach to development. CWS works with its partners and international networks to meet the immediate needs of people for food, water, dignity and justice. Together we strive to give people the support they need to escape poverty, forever. With networks, skills and resources they have a better chance. We tackle the causes of poverty at every level as well as its effects.
CWS supports organisations that share this perspective based on:
Community ownership
The task is in their hands, not ours. Development objectives are best decided by local people who carry the hope and vision for their own community but need our financial support to run their programmes. CWS does not send New Zealand staff to manage field programmes. Funds are spent in, by and for the community, and not returned to New Zealand through salaries.
A true relationship
Development takes time so CWS does not pick and choose programmes each year, funding issues or countries according to the latest development trend. CWS is instead committed to building long-term relationships and funding local partners until they can manage on their own.
More than funding
For CWS, the idea of partnership goes beyond funding community development programmes. Solidarity and advocacy can be as significant as funding. It is equally important for people who have been denied political, social and economic rights to know they are being listened to, their problems are being addressed and people care enough to take action.
Peace and Justice - Our Approach
Peace and justice are at the core of good development. Violence and conflict can destroy years of development work in a very short period. Addressing underlying injustices and ensuring people have access to human rights are important aspects of peacebuilding and development.
Our vision of a world free from poverty is earthed in a world free from violence and built on justice.
- raising funds to support our partners to work in their contexts
- educating New Zealanders about issues of concern
- encouraging New Zealand churches to work to create peace and stand with those seeking justice.
- working with others on campaigns and as part of international coalitions
- seeking to influence people, including politicians and church leaders
- participating in parliamentary processes and meeting with key government officials.
Two boys bring paper cranes to Hiroshima for the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the nuclear bomb. Photo: WCC/P Jeffrey