Christian World Service is appealing for assistance to Pakistanis facing the worst floods in living memory.
It is channelling funds through its local partner in the ACT Alliance who have been delivering food, temporary shelter and medical relief from the beginning of the emergency. Life saving assistance is urgently needed. Donations can be made online or by phoning 0800 74 73 72. Churches have been asked to hold collections this Sunday.
New Zealanders have responded generously to fund previous relief operations during the 2008 earthquake and last year’s conflict in the North West. Now CWS is being asked to help again during a time described as devastating and difficult for the country.
Heavy monsoon rains have killed at least 1500 people and over 3 million have been affected in the north west of the country.
“It is hard to understand the sheer need when you think that nearly three quarters of our total New Zealand population has been affected already,’’ said CWS national director, Pauline McKay. Homes have been destroyed and livestock and food crops washed away. CWS’s partner is already providing food, shelter and medical assistance, after having to be rescued from their own flooded offices. They are desperately trying to implement sanitation strategies to minimise the risk of disease. Flood water remains in the damaged houses posing numerous health risks. They are reporting diarrhoea, skin infections, and respiratory tract infections and need to act quickly against water borne diseases. Mobile health clinics have begun working in some areas.
Food however is the main need. CWS partner, Church World Service Pakistan/Afghanistan was the first to provide food in Sibi, Balochistan for which the people are very grateful. With communications and roads damaged many areas remain isolated. Communities wait for the rains to stop and water to recede so that much needed goods, particularly food, can reach them.
“Please continue to support Christian World Service’s appeal for Pakistan floods, so that we can provide life saving assistances and services” pleads Marvin Parvez Director of Church World Service, Pakistan/Afghanistan.
Marvin has previously visited New Zealand and has already commented on the current disaster in NZ media. CWS Pakistan/Afghanistan has launched an initial appeal for US$2.2 million but the need is likely to increase.
4 August 2010