Contact Us

Or if you prefer:

By email:

By phone:

+ (64-3) 366 9274 OR
Freephone within New Zealand 0800 74 73 72

By post:

Christian World Service PO Box 22652 Christchurch 8140 New Zealand

In person:

The main CWS office is at the Aldersgate Centre Durham Street Methodist Church, 309 Durham Street, Christchurch.  The office is open from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.

To make a complaint or raise a serious concern:

CWS is committed to providing high-quality humanitarian, development and advocacy programmes and to working in an open and accountable way.  CWS stakeholders have a right to raise a concern, give feedback and if necessary lodge a complaint.  Stakeholder concerns will be addressed quickly and effectively.

Complaints must be addressed to the CWS Complaints Focal Person at the above address or by email:   You may prefer to contact the CWS National Director by phone: 64 3 366 9274.

Where possible the complainant will receive confirmation of receipt of the complaint within 10 days after CWS receives the complaint.

The complaint should include:

  1. Name of the person or organisation lodging the complaint plus their contact address, email and/or phone number.
  2. Name of the person or organisation you wish to lodge a complaint against (if known).
  3. Date, Time and Place of the incident (if applicable)
  4. Brief description of the incident or concern.
  5. Name of witnesses (if relevant) and where they can be contacted.
  6. Describe the action taken.  Please note if this involves sexual or other harm, please report it first to the police.
  7. State what kind of response you expect from CWS and how you wish to see it resolved.


Further information is available in the CWS Complaints Policy.

CWS is a member of the Council for International Development and adheres to its Code of Conduct.  For any complaint alleging breach of the Council for International Development Code of Conduct, please report via or



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