Climate talks have failed today to develop the key building blocks towards the 2015 comprehensive international agreement on climate change.
Some developed and some developing countries consistently stalled the process according to the ACT Alliance of which CWS is a member.
The Alliance stated that Poland, Australia and Japan set the negative tone for the failure, highlighting Poland as the presidency of the climate change talks for having organised a Coal Summit in parallel to the Climate Summit. It also highlighted Australia’s constant attempts to block the negotiations and to repeal its national carbon price mechanism, and Japan’s U-turn from previous plans to reduce its CO2 emissions to 25% less than its 1990 level, to now increasing emissions by 3.1% of its 1990 amount.
The Alliance criticised a few emerging countries for distracting from the process of setting up a robust roadmap. It urged these to be more constructive when designing the 2015 agreement by committing to their growing responsibilities and capacities.
Only one of the important issues on the table, the establishment of an international mechanism on loss and damage has made progress. However, the Alliance said this mechanism suffers from lack of clout, with pivotal functions such as work on rehabilitation excluded from its mandate and no provision of funding.
“While expectations for this summit were low from the outset, decisive steps on the road to a comprehensive international agreement in two years time were the minimum that is urgently needed,” said Vitumbiko Chinoko, ACT Alliance Climate Change Policy and Advocacy Officer. “Developing countries have stood together here in their fight for adopting an international mechanism to address loss and damage. But the ‘Warsaw mechanism’ we got is far below expectations, not providing for a strong structure to address disaster risk reduction, rehabilitation, recourse and remedy measures. We have allseen from the great impact of the Philippines typhoon the urgent need for a coordinated response from the international community. We will continue to ask to develop the Warsawmechanism into the robust and independent instrument needed to cope with the realities of loss and damage that many of the poor and vulnerable continue to face.”
The Alliance also expressed disappointment that no progress was made towards agreement on how to reach the USD 100 billion goal of climate financing by 2020 and highlighted the lack of ambition seen from the EU when it had previously taken on a leadership role.
“Even though the Adaptation Fund will be replenished as expected by about USD 100 million, it is unclear how and when the Green Climate Fund will be filled,” said Chinoko. “We are still calling for a comprehensive finance roadmap to provide new, additional and predictable public finance to developing countries to fill the gaps between 2013 and 2020.”
Notes to Editor:
1. ACT Alliance is a coalition of more than140 churches and affiliated organisations working together in140 countries to create positive and sustainable change in the lives of poor and marginalised people.
2. ACT Alliance is supported by 25,000 staff and mobilises about $1.5 billion for its work each year in three targeted areas: humanitarian aid;development; and advocacy.
23 November 2013