Our Values
- We believe the provision and enjoyment of the basic necessities for living a decent, just and humane life is God’s will for all humankind. All human beings have the right to a standard of living that ensures justice, human dignity and environmental integrity.
- The world’s resources are distributed in such a way that four-fifths of the world’s population struggle for life with one-fifth of all available resources. Our task is to work with our partners to change those structures and systems which imprison human beings in poverty and injustice.
- We are committed to giving special attention and support to the struggles of children and young people. We believe failure to stand in solidarity with children and young people only perpetuates and compounds humanity’s difficulties.
- We believe it is critical to listen carefully to our partners before undertaking any action or programme and to learn from the networks that we are involved in. Thus we are committed to constant and critical reflection on our work in conversation with our partners and networks. This is a continuing process of working together to change our world.
- We recognise the importance of responding to people’s immediate need during crises. In times of natural and human created disasters Christian World Service provides a way for New Zealanders to respond with compassion and appropriate action.
- We believe that transformative change cannot occur unless we are prepared to stand alongside our partners and speak out on the issues and concerns that affect their lives.
- We support people of all ethnicities, religious beliefs, gender and race.
Our Ethos
Read our ethos document Partnership and Letting Go, the theological statement that expresses how we work.
Our Policies
Christian World Service is accountable to our partners, partner churches, supporters and other stakeholders. We aim to be transparent in our work. We recognise different stakeholders require different information and encourage feedback to this end.
As the first step in this process, we will publish policies that guide our work. As a member of ACT Alliance, we are bound by its policies.