Christian World Service is asking churches to pray for peace on Sunday and support the Gaza Emergency Appeal.
CWS has prepared worship resources “And the Hour is Now Late” to fit with Sunday’s lectionary readings and remember the beginning of World War I, the dropping of the first nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and the desperate need for peace in Gaza and Israel. There is an appeal leaflet available.
CWS is appealing for donations to help meet some of the desperate need in Gaza. Funds raised will enable CWS partner Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees (DSPR) to provide US$100 emergency grants to families in need of food, water, fuel or other help. They will fund the extension of the psychosocial programmes for children and mothers and four vocational training centres helping young people gain practical skills. The appeal will also fund three maternal health clinics providing medical services primarily to mothers and young children.
The Shija’ia clinic had its outer door blown off but the owner has blocked it and the neighbours are watching the building. While the military offensive continues it is unsafe for the clinic to be open, although people desperately need its services.
Peace Sunday is held on the Sunday closest to Hiroshima Day, 6 August. It is a time when New Zealand churches remember the harm done by nuclear bombs and testing, and recommit themselves to working for peace.
This Sunday is the closest to the day that New Zealand signalled its support to the British declaration of war on Germany one hundred years ago on August 4, 1914. It is a day to remember those who lost their lives in this long conflict and recommit to peace. “As of today over 1,000 people have lost their lives, thousands are injured and over 215,000 forced from their homes. They need our prayers and support,” says Pauline McKay, National Director.
“So for those willing to help and financially support Gaza and its people as they cope with this war, do please remember that what Gazans and Palestinians need most is PEACE and JUSTICE.” says Dr Bernard Sabella, DSPR. Read more about the appeal, including Dr Sabella’s letters.
Donations to the Gaza Appeal can be made here, sent to PO Box 22652, Christchurch 8140 or by calling 0800 74 73 72.
Note: CWS is a member of ACT Alliance (Action by Churches Together), a global coalition of more than 140 churches and church-related organisations that work together in humanitarian assistance, advocacy and development in more than 140 countries.
30 July 2014