CWS’s magazine for 7-13 year olds. Stories and fun activities on global issues, accompanied by a leaders kit.
Share the Care Spring/Summer 2010
Discover the lunchtime experience of children living in the Zvishavane district of Zimbabwe. Read through the cartoon ‘ beating the hunger monster’, and have a go at the suggested activities in the leaders kit.
Download leaders kit
Stand Up for What’s Good! Autumn/Winter 2010: Responding to the devastation in Haiti following the January 2010 earthquake, this issue includes ideas for how to help, information about the country and activities that help children think about ‘showing you care if you see it’s unfair’.
Give us a Chance! Spring 2009/Summer 2010: shares two stories of children living in Gaza, Palestine and the challenges they face to rebuild their lives after the bombings of 2008/9.
Clean up the Climate! Winter 2009: Learn about 10 year old Lerma’s life on a Philippines island and the impact climate change has on their food, water and land. This issue shows some actions the local community is taking. “We don’t wish for things to get any worse,” says Lerma. “That is why the children of Tabon are doing many things … to stop climate change.”
Keep Hope Alive! Summer 2009: explores new hope for crphaned children in Timor Leste and the promise of peace.
What’s up with the Planet? World Watch Autumn/Winter 2008: Highlights the issue of climate change in the Pacific with a focus on Kiribati and Tuvalu.
Build a better Future World Watch Spring/Summer 2007: This issue of World Watch ‘Help Build a Better Future’ features the work of Church World Service Cambodia.
Dry as a bone World Watch Autumn 2007: looks at water, and the lack thereoff, in Sri Lanka. Focuses on Indika and Nirosha who live in an area severly damaged in the 2004 Tsunami and how they recovered. Also looks at how their village uses and conserves water.
Water – The Gift of Life World Watch Spring/Summer 2006: water issues in Zimbabwe. Meet Temwani, a 10-year-old living in the suburbs of Harare, and read about the Zimbabwe Council of Churches’ Rain Water Harvesting programme. You can enjoy a game from Zimbabwe, or try some of the activities inside.
Watch and Learn! World Watch Autumn/Winter 2006: This edition looks at the the importance of education, especially in the Solomon Islands. It explores this issue and others that affect young people.