With your donations, CWS partners work tirelessly to make a difference to the lives of the world’s poorest people. From agricultural training projects to building new wells, health education to women’s advocacy groups, each project is rooted in the needs of the local community, and designed to have maximum impact on poverty.
The funds you raise help us finance:
- Emergency relief
- Long-term development work with our partners around the world
- Campaigning to tackle the issues that affect poor people
All donations over $5 are tax-deductible. Christian World Service is a registered charitable entity. Charities Act 2005 registration CC22288. View Charities Commission Certificate of Registration.
3 easy ways to give
Donate by credit card online now using our secure donation page
Make a direct deposit
Name of Account: Christian World Service
Account number: 06 0817 0318646 00
Email your postal details to cws@cws.org.nz if you would like a tax receipt
Phone 0800 74 73 72 during office hours for credit card donations over the phone.