Disasters and conflicts damage people's mental health

People who have lived through violence, war and natural disasters may carry the trauma and pain for years.

Children wet their beds.  Teenagers are withdrawn.  Mothers cannot stop crying.  Others refuse to speak.

Too often the mental health of these survivors is ignored and the symptoms get worse.

Local people who know their community can offer psychosocial support with appropriate training.  They have lived through the same experience and speak the same language.   People trained in community-based psychosocial support know when to ask for specialised care.

For some people, the opportunity to paint stories or build a new garden is enough to put them back on the pathway to health.  Others feel better by attending small groups or playing games or through music.

Helping people now could prevent them from developing more serious mental health problems later.

Please give to our Psychosocial Appeal this Winter to give many more traumatised people the support they need.

Your donation could fund:

    • Train group leaders in community-based psychosocial care
    • Small group training and the tools and plants to start a new garden
    • Psychosocial treatment from trained specialists
    • the running costs of a community space or childcare programme.

Please give today so people at breaking point can get the support they need.

Share your love and concern for people living with suffering and pain.

Be there for People who need Psychosocial Support.


Make a direct deposit:

Name of Account: Christian World Service
ANZ Account number: 06 0817 0318646 00
Email your postal details to cws@cws.org.nz if you would like a tax receipt


0800 74 73 72 during office hours for credit or debit card donations over the phone.

Remember: all donations of $5 or more are tax deductible.

Christian World Service is a registered charitable entity.  Charities Act 2005 registration CC22288. View Charities Commission Certificate of Registration.

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