Our work
CWS is supporting programmes in Choisuel, known traditionally as Lauru, an island in the most northerly province of the Solomons group.
The people are subsistence farmers living from their gardens, forest products and seafood. Cash is increasingly required, however, for outboard motor fuel, boat hire, school fees, kerosene and other services. Deforestation and environmental degradation by foreign logging companies, economic collapse, lack of services and poverty are the major challenges facing Lauru.
CWS is supporting the women’s programme of the Lauru Land Conference of Tribal Communities, which seeks to improve women’s role in decision-making and sustainable living. Women are brought together on a regular basis to identify the issues of importance to them and develop a plan of action. Activities have included the preservation of traditional crafts and training in new skills to give women income-generating opportunities.
Our partner
Lauru Land Conference Women’s Programme