On World Food Day CWS welcomes a new report Seeds for Life: Scaling Up Agro-diversity. It gives a stark warning that without access to a wide gene pool, farmers will be unable to spread their risk, or breed new varieties to adapt to changing weather patterns. The report emphasizes that the solutions for climate change […]
CWS is asking New Zealanders to help rural people in Myanmar (Burma), needing food, water and agricultural support. After heavy monsoon rains and flash flooding hit Myanmar’s south eastern states people are struggling to recover. Christian World Service is working closely with a partner who used canoes and trucks to deliver food supplies in areas […]
In ten days a team of dedicated Christian World Service supporters take up the serious challenge of Living Below the Line. Not for them the comfort of a coffee a day – a flat white or long black will sink their food budget for two. Instead they are picking up the challenge to spend just […]
New Zealand must back political solution to Syrian crisis say aid agencies
Seven New Zealand-based international development agencies supporting relief in the Syrian crisis are urging the New Zealand government to back all possible means for a peaceful political solution for Syria. After two and a half years of conflict the toll on Syrians, including children and their families, has been enormous. “The apparent use of chemical […]
Dr. Bernard Sabella calls for intervention to help meet the needs of Syrian refugees and to show our concern. Reflecting on what is happening in Syria and the plight of the Syrian, Palestinian and other refugees coming out of that country makes me think of the days of my childhood when I used to stand […]
New Zealand and possible use of Cluster munitions in Syria
The Aotearoa New Zealand Joint Working Group on Landmines and Cluster Munitions has urged New Zealand to use all diplomatic means possible to discourage the USA from using cluster munitions in any military intervention in Syria, in keeping with New Zealand’s obligations as a state party to the Convention on Cluster Munitions. Christian World Service […]
Please pray and act for peace, an end to nuclear weapons and fair compensation to those who have been exposed to nuclear radiation and fallout. CWS has collated material for this Peace Sunday, the nearest Sunday to Hiroshima Day. Links to worship resources and national and international campaigns are included. 26 July 2013
“The 7.3 billion people on our planet are intensely, intimately connected in ways previous generations could never have conceived”, says business journalist Rod Oram. “If a community fails, its country suffers. If a country fails, our world suffers.” “Severe income inequality, ill health, political and social suppression and ecological disasters know no geographical or […]
Christian World Service is asking the government to stop hiding behind the promised review of the refugee quota and respond to the grim situation facing families fleeing war and persecution. It is supporting calls to Double the Quota. “There is no reasonable excuse for its inaction. Under international law, refugees have the right to protection […]
On World Refugee Day Christian World Service is pushing for new action to address unprecedented numbers of refugees. CWS is supporting calls to increase the number of refugees resettled in New Zealand and the overseas aid budget. Under the current quota system 750 people are admitted into the country. National Director of Christian World Service […]