We give thanks for the life of Elizabeth Mackie who was a much-valued staff member from 1985-2006. She worked first as Office Manager and then led the International Programmes work. Elizabeth was a very dear friend and a great storyteller. Her strong sense of justice and compassion shaped our partner relationships and work. She died on February 18, 2023 in Otepoti Dunedin. Our partners and friends have responded
“Partnership… is a relationship which lasts, which goes far beyond the exchange of money, which offers new learnings to both groups, which involves us in advocacy, consultation, the seeking and giving of advice; a relationship which is personal, human, respectful, engaged.”
Elizabeth Mackie
Watch the funeral mass for Elizabeth from the Church of the Holy Name, Otepoti Dunedin.
Read the eulogy by Jill Hawkey, former National Director.
Messages (edited) from partners and friends:
Rest in peace, sweet Elizabeth. Thank you for all you did with CEPAD in Nicaragua.
Damaris Albuquerque, former director of CEPAD (Consejo de Inglesias Evangelicas Pro-Alianza Denominacional – Council of Protestant Churches of Nicaragua).
We are deeply saddened to learn of the sad news of the passing of Sister Elizabeth Mackie. We mention that she dedicated her life to giving others the love and mercy taught in Christianity and to make the world a better and fairer place. It will be recalled that she joined the Devasarana Development Center from 1980 and worked to eradicate poverty and build peace and harmony in Sri Lanka. We cannot forget the support she gave us with the help of CWS.
Sister Elizabeth Mackie has ended her long life dedicated to the people and has fallen into a deep sleep from which she will not wake up. Although we may never meet her again, we will never forget her service and gracious life. Let us know that we are praying for her. May she rest in peace.
P.D. Gunatilakaya, Sri Lanka
Our indebtedness to Elizabeth for her tireless work at CWS in support of the Tonga Human Rights and Democracy Movement (THRDM) and the Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Movement (NFIP) is immeasurable in human terms! May God complete our incompleteness!! Love always from Tonga!
Lopeti Senituli, Tonga
The Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees of the Middle East Council of Churches offers heartfelt condolences on the passing of Elizabeth Mackie. For years, throughout the partnership with CWS New Zealand, Elizabeth Mackie’s name became a household name. Whenever we spoke about partners Elizabeth Mackie was there. Her presence from so far away was felt in Jerusalem and across DSPR in all its Areas in Israel, Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon.
I personally have communicated regularly with her and knew the caring kindness that she showed for human dignity and justice across continents. I and my colleagues at Central Office and throughout DSPR/MECC appreciate her life of giving and friendship and we are saddened by her departure. We pray that the Lord will reward her with heavenly bliss, and we share with all of you, our partners and friends at CWS as well as the community of partners across the globe, our prayers and thoughts at this time.
Dr. Bernard Sabella, Executive Secretary, East Jerusalem
It is very sad to hear of the passing of Elizabeth Mackie and Movement for Land and Agricultural Reform (MONLAR) Sri Lanka offers its heartfelt condolences to the family of Elizabeth Mackie in the passing of Elizabeth Mackie.
She was like MONLAR’s family member over the period and she provided great support since the late 1990s for the betterment of MONLAR and its work towards improving livelihoods and protecting the rights of peasant farmers in Sri Lanka. She has always been very committed, generous and visionary.
She will be always loved and never forgotten. Rest in Peace Elizabeth!
MONLAR Team, Sri Lanka
It is very sad to receive this very bad news of the passing on of Elizabeth. As the Mission for Sustainable Advancement family, we convey our heartfelt condolences to her family and CWS where she had greatly given her time and energy to serve vulnerable communities in different places. In this sad moment we as MSA family stand with you in solidarity in prayers. May God comfort us all. May her Soul Rest in Eternal Peace.
Mission for Sustainable Advancement, South Sudan
The Tonga Community Development Trust shares the pain and mourns with you the loss of Elizabeth Mackie. At the same time, we have been blessed with the memory of her wonderful contribution to communities and humanity. May she rest in peace. Malo moe ‘ofa,
Sione Faka’osi, Tonga Community Development Trust
The Centre for Community Solidarity (CCS) is so deeply sorry to hear the sad news about the passing of Elizabeth Mackie whom we (CCS) recognize as an instrumental member of the CWS family. She was a wise, a peace loving and intelligent lady with exceptional understanding who demonstrated her patriotism in fighting for peace and justice for all the needy.
All of us shall miss Elizabeth Mackie and always remember her for her wisdom and contributions to the development world. We at CCS have lost a friend. Losing someone close and such a wonderful person is a tragedy.
We shall always remember her amazing personality championing Peace and Justice for all the needy and vulnerable. We will never forget her valuable lessons, contributions, support and commitment for this cause…
Charles and the CCS team, Uganda
We at Social Action for New Development (SAND) Trust convey our deepest condolences on the sad demise of Elizabeth Mackie. We are sorry for your loss and can’t imagine your pain and grief at this time. We have wonderful memories with Elizabeth Mackie, she is the initiator and made the pathway for SAND Trust association with Christian World Service. [We are grateful] for her consistent support and efforts towards the journey with CWS and with the community.
She as a person who has the inside qualities of “Simplicity, Perseverance, and Thrust for Community Development” across the globe. Her contribution to the development of the poor and downtrodden was remarkable.
We at SAND Trust have remembered her support and contribution to us and to the community and we pray for you and your loved ones as you struggle with this immense loss.
Her gentle soul will always be in our hearts.
You are always in our prayers.
Ms. J. Helen, Social Action for New Development (SAND) Trust, Tiruppuvanam, South Tamil Nadu, India
Our sincere condolences from the Pasifika Household of God. Well done good and faithful servant, enter into your Master’s Joy. May God’s love and peace enfold her family and the CWS Community.
James Bhagwan
Pacific Conference of Churches
We at SEEP (Social Empowerment and Education Programme) take this time to extend to you all our sincere condolences on the passing of Elizabeth Mackie.
Recalling how years ago she first strode purposefully into our office at the then Fiji Council of Churches Research Group, full of life laughter and kindness with a twinkle in her eyes! She journeyed with us through several projects and it was she that linked us for what has been a deeply appreciated partnership.
Rest well Elizabeth, you are remembered with fondness and deep appreciation.
Vinaka saka vakalevu.
Chantelle, the SEEP BOD and team, Fiji
We are deeply saddened by the passing of Elizabeth Mackie. We will always remember Elizabeth dearly for her vibrance and dedication to service to the needy in many parts of the world including those in the Philippines. For that, we shall forever be grateful. The light that she brought into our lives will always remain in our hearts. Rest in Heavenly Peace, Elizabeth.
Teresa G. Naraval, Volunteers for Development in Philippine Society (DEVELOPERS) Foundation, the Philippines.
Most sorry to learn of the passing of Elizabeth Mackie, my condolence to CWS and to her family.
Stephen W Hussey, Dabane Trust, Zimbabwe
Words may not suffice to express the heartfelt sorrow that we at EKTA feel. She was instrumental in bringing us into the family of CWS. She believed in us and extended unconditional support. During my visit to New Zealand in 2002, I was amazed at the way she received me with love and warmth. Those we love can never be more than a thought away. As long as there’s a memory, they live on in our hearts, they walk beside us in our hearts and memories. Our collective hearts are heavy, please accept our most heartfelt condolences for the family and friends.
Someone so special can never be forgotten, we should continue to celebrate her life and cherish the beautiful memories we had with her.
Bimla Chandrasekar, Ekta, Tamil Nadu, South India
She truly was a wonderful soul who did a great service to the betterment of women workers in Sri Lanka. We team members of the Women’s Centre pray that God rewards her with heaven….
She will be forever remembered in our hearts & forever missed. Rest In Peace dear Elizabeth.
Team Women’s Centre, Sri Lanka

Elizabeth and Sandra Nowland-Foreman visit the Women Development Resource Centre, Tamil Nadu, South India
It was great shock on hearing the news of our beloved Elizabeth Mackie for all of us in the Institute for Self Management – Women Development Resource Centre and our Tribal and Dalit women. She was a real boost to us in making the people enjoy their rights. She very much influenced us in bringing the value of justice and gender equality. It is a great loss for all of us.
Manohari Doss, Tamil Nadu, South India
She was one of the mentors who encouraged me to tide over the critical moments of my life. I remember her with reverence, gratitude and record our appreciation for her core values – as a humanist, she taught love, peace and concern for fellow beings. Though you departed us, we will carry you in our thoughts and deeds.
Gandimathi and Legal Aid to Women Trust, Tamil Nadu, South India
Thank you for news of Elizabeth. I often think of her and all that I learned from her. Keeping her in mind. Praying for her safe and quick journey to Heaven.
Ritama David, South India
It is very heartbreaking to hear this message. We had a lot of memorable moments with her. Her first visit, our visit to New Zealand, her sensitive understanding of the team and issues. She was a great inspiration to all of us. We all pray for her.
Jesu Rethinam, Sneha and Legal Aid to Women Trust, Tamil Nadu, South India.
March 2, 2023