CWS invites parishes to mark Refugee Sunday designated as 23 June in the Methodist and Presbyterian calendar and 7 July in the Anglican tradition. World Refugee Day is on June 20.
This year we highlight the plight of refugees from Syria, some of whom were already Palestinian refugees.
Worship resources “What are you doing here, Elijah?” focus on the readings for 23 June. Resources for the 7 July, “Work for the Good of All” focus on our responsibilities to each other. Additional resources prepared for previous years are available under the subheading Conflict and Peace.
A bulletin insert contains details of the Appeal. It can be downloaded in Word or as a PDF.
A Refugee PowerPoint 2019 with a script can be adapted for your church service.
CWS asks parishes and congregations to hold a special offering to provide schooling and educational opportunities, medical care, and psycho-social support for Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon as part of Operation Refugee.
Photo credit: ACT Alliance/ Paul Jeffrey