Methodist Women’s Fellowship – Special Project (DSPR)
Grow in Christ and be a Life giver This year’s Special Project with the Methodist Women’s Fellowship is supporting our partner Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees in Jordan (DSPR) DSPR is part of the Middle East Council of Churches. It grew out of the local Christian response to the first refugees from Palestine in […]
Lebanon Needs your Prayers
Christian World Service asks for your continued prayers and support for people in the Middle East. Violence is escalating and the suffering of the people intensifying, making our prayers for peace and the need for solidarity more urgent. CWS’s partner, the Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees is doing all it can to respond with […]
With Kanaky
Stand with the people of Kanaky New Caledonia In November 2023, churches and communities gathered at Lifou in Kanaky New Caledonia as the Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC), the Pasifika Household of God. In meeting on the island of Lifou, PCC returned to the place which hosted the inaugural Assembly in 1966. Their presence also […]
Pacific churches call for Climate Action
Pacific Conference of Churches calls for urgent climate action 20 years after its first Declaration from Otin Taai. Tuakoi ‘Lei Declaration [1] A statement and declaration from the Pacific Conference of Churches’ members and partners at the Otin Taai +20 Conference – 6-9 May 2024, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Suva, Fiji. “Which of these three […]
Refugee Sunday 2024
“Whoever welcomes you, welcomes me” Matthew 10:40 Each year on June 20 World Refugee Day, we celebrate the strength and courage of refugees and displaced people. Please make this a special time to pray for all people who seek refuge from harm and to share what you can with refugees who need food, shelter and care. […]
Gaza Update: From under the Fire
Above: The Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees is operating its Mobile Health Clinic at Khan Younis. In Gaza, DSPR staff are showing unbelievable commitment and dedication in their efforts to serve the most needy people according to executive director Nadu Abu Amsha in his latest update. Nadu reports the mobile health teams treated […]
Bonn Climate talks Inadequate
ACT Alliance members were deeply disappointed at the lack of action at the negotiations on climate finance held in Bonn, Germany from June 3-13. Not linked to reality: Bonn climate talks missing urgent action Two weeks of UN climate negotiations in Bonn have ended. The next time parties meet will be at COP29 in Baku, […]
Update from Gaza
Update from the Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees of the Middle East Council of Churches May 27, 2024 “For 233 days, Gaza has been witnessing the most brutal war in contemporary history with no signs of an end. The attacks on the civilians are renewed and renewed. They have brought immense pain and suffering, […]
More Aid Needed
New Zealand agencies have written an Open Letter calling on the government to increase the aid vote in this year’s budget. The group of 37 agencies are asking for an urgent increase in Official Development Aid (ODA) spending, to reach 0.5% of the Gross National Income (GNI). Christian World Service welcomed the opportunity to support […]
Gaza – Damage to Rafah Clinic
Today we received a message from Nada Abu Amaha, National Director of our partner the Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees: Our dear Partners and Friends We greet you in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and want to share with you this short update: In this special time of the year […]
Ukraine: Two Years On
Thank you to everyone who has supported the people of Ukraine. After two years of this expanded war, the need for solidarity and support in Ukraine and neighbouring countries remains immense. Nearly 3.7 million people are displaced within the country and almost 6.5 million are living outside its borders. The signs of peace are few. […]
Türkiye – Syria Earthquake One Year On
A 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit southern Türkiye and northern Syria on February 6, 2023. It was followed by thousands of aftershocks that killed more than 56,000 people across both countries and destroyed over 850,000 buildings in Türkiye alone. The last year has been difficult for the many families affected. Your donation has been life-giving. CWS […]
World Day of Prayer 2024
World Day of Prayer 2024 Women are preparing for this year’s World Day of Prayer on Friday, March 1. All are welcome to join local services throughout the country or use the materials for informed prayer. Local women’s groups in more than 170 countries will use these resources to lead services and Bible studies in […]
Sri Lanka: Human Elephant Conflict Increasing
In Sri Lanka, elephant and human deaths have been rising as the competition for natural resources intensifies. With drier conditions and increased water shortages associated with climate change, steps need to be taken now to ensure food for elephants and humans. Small-scale farmers, environmentalists and other concerned people are campaigning for a better future. Elephants […]
From Gaza – 100 days
Today (January 14) marks the 100th day of the war on Gaza. The area has been witnessing the continuation of Israeli ground operations, in northern, middle, and southern Gaza. DSPR has been following the situation with grave concern and has been intervening through its field staff and steering emergency committee to relief, when possible and […]
Christmas Message from DSPR
Christmas Message from the Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees of the Middle East Council of Churches Dear Partner, Supporters and Friends of DSPR Our heart aches to convey this message during what should be a season of joy and togetherness. Amid strife and sorrow, we reach out to you, dear partners supporters and friends, […]
NZ Organisations urge more action from Politicians for Gaza
New Zealand humanitarian organisations unanimously urge political leaders to intensify efforts for peace in Gaza at Christmas time. As parliament adjourns and New Zealand “shuts down” for the holidays, the New Zealand humanitarian community is issuing an urgent plea to our political leaders: do not forget the children of Gaza at Christmas time. “As we […]
COP28 results disappointing
ACT Alliance reports on the COP 28 climate negotiations. Perhaps not surprisingly, COP28 moved into overtime after the Presidency released a weak draft text on December 11, one that was met with disdain by many nations, including the US and the UK, and with civil society organisations and faith groups demanding stronger text. Although the […]
From Gaza
The Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees reported on the situation in Gaza: “The situation continues to be very dangerous and catastrophic, the Israeli airstrikes and artillery bombardment of buildings, institutions and residential locations are intense, stronger and nonstop. It’s creating more damage and forcibly displacing more people to the south, while the south has […]
CWS appeals for the people of Gaza and Palestine
Christian World Service launches Gaza Palestine Emergency Appeal Christian World Service has launched an emergency appeal to assist people who have been affected by the current conflict in the Middle East, particularly Gaza. Thousands of people have been killed, injured and displaced. Nearly two hundred people are being held as hostages. Hospitals including the Al […]
CWS Supporters’ Council 2023
Christian World Service was pleased to welcome supporters and friends to the annual Supporters’ Council on November, 3, 2023 at All Saints Anglican at 786 Cumberland St, Ȭtepoti Dunedin and on Zoom. The meeting was hosted by Jill Hawkey, Board Chairperson. Presentations New National Director Rev Dr Tim Pratt introduced himself and the Christmas Appeal. […]
ACT Alliance Palestine Forum statement on the violence in the Gaza Strip
The ACT Alliance Palestine Forum has issued a second statement on the situation in Gaza The ACT Palestine Forum is appalled, and grief-stricken by the unacceptable attacks being committed against unarmed civilians. We condemn all violations of international law committed by both sides of the conflict and we deplore the attack that targeted innocent Palestinian […]
CWS launches appeal for Libya Flood relief
Christian World Service is appealing for donations to help people affected by a devastating storm in the northeast of Libya. People need food, water, shelter, blankets and medical care now. Buildings, bridges and road have been washed away. Many areas are without safe water or electricity. Last week (22/23) local partner Danchurchaid, a member of […]
Welcome Tim
CWS is pleased to welcome Rev Dr Tim Pratt as the new National Director. He writes: Kia ora CWS whanau I thought it worthwhile to introduce myself as the new Director of CWS, where I’m excited to share with you in our vision of a world where inclusion and diversity are respected, where human dignity, […]
Welcome to the Season of Creation
Welcome to the Season of Creation Christian World Service welcomes the Season of Creation which begins today, September 1 and runs to October 4, the Feast of St Francis of Assis. The Season of Creation is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through repenting, acting, and rejoicing together. During […]
New Climate Justice Framework
CWS welcomes the publication of the ACT Alliance Climate Justice Advocacy Framework position paper 2023-26. This Framework and the work of our partners informs our climate justice advocacy. “This framework position sets out ACT’s resolve and ambition to advance climate leadership and action in this critical decade of action,” says Julius Mbatia, ACT’s Climate Justice […]
Pakistan – One Year of Recovery
Pakistan – One Year of Recovery People in the worst hit areas of Pakistan had little time to recover from last year’s record-breaking floods before the first rains in April. According to the United Nations, an estimated 20.6 million people required humanitarian assistance. Many are living in temporary shelter and are worried about the future, […]
Farewell, Murray
National Director Murray Overton finishes his time with Christian World Service today, August 4. CWS is grateful for his significant contribution and wishes him the very best for the future. The CWS Staff and Board have appreciated Murray’s warmth, energy, hard work and good humour. He has used his practical administrative abilities and networking skills […]
Global Prayer for Korean Peninsula August 13
Peace Sunday falls on Hiroshima Day, the 78th anniversary of the dropping of the first atomic bomb in Japan. CWS encourages churches to explore their responsibility for peacemaking in communities and the wider world. Witness for Peace includes stories of peacemaking from its partners and the ecumenical family, focusing on the Pacific region. Peace Sunday […]
Dalits demand Fair Treatment
India might be the fifth largest economy in the world, but there is little sign of prosperity for rural Dalit communities in Tamil Nadu. Instead they face grinding poverty, violence and discrimination on a daily basis. Dalits once known as Untouchables are at the bottom of a caste system which is hard to escape. “With […]
Operation Refugee Update
Christian World Service congratulates the first responders to this year’s Operation Refugee challenge and thanks everyone who has supported efforts to raise funds. Most challengers chose to do the Winter Walk. CWS Board member Kate Boardman organised a cosy movie night with food for her church community. So far Operation Refugee has received more than […]
ACT Palestine condemns Violence
ACT Palestine Forum condemns escalation of violence in Jenin Refugee Camp Christian World Service shares this statement from the ACT Palestine Forum, which includes our partner, the Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees. We the ACT Palestine forum express our deep concern and condemnation regarding the recent escalation of violence at Jenin Refugee Camp and […]
Call me Brother
Christian World Service welcomes the publication of Call Me Brother, the story of Dr Edric Baker who spent 35 years working as a medical doctor in Bangladesh. The new biography written by Kate Day shares his story and radical vision for an affordable healthcare system. Edric was a regular visitor to CWS on his trips […]
Ukraine Report
Ukraine Appeal Report June 2023 Download the Ukraine Appeal Report June 2023 Christian World Service is grateful to you, our supporters, for your gifts to the Ukraine Appeal. Together you have donated over $213,000 to assist displaced people in Ukraine and then in Poland with matched funds from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Poland […]
Refugee Sunday 2023
“Whoever welcomes you, welcomes me” Matthew 10:40 Each year on June 20 World Refugee Day, we celebrate the strength and courage of refugees and displaced people. Please make this a special time to pray for all people who seek refuge from harm and to share what you can with refugees who need food, shelter and care. […]
CWS seeks new National Director
Are you passionate about pursuing a world without poverty and injustice. Are you committed to building peaceful, inclusive partnerships and the delivery of effective, life changing international development? Christian World Service (CWS) is seeking an energetic, strategic, National Director to lead their small, dynamic organisation. This role is critical as we work with, and on […]
Operation Refugee 2023
CWS launches Operation Refugee 2023 Christian World Service invites people to sign up for this year’s Operation Refugee, the annual fundraiser to provide practical help to people who have fled their homes and communities. This year participants will have 12 hours to do one of three challenges: Food for Life, a Winter Walk or a […]
Vanuatu Needs Support to Rebuild
Andrew and Anna were at home with their children when Cyclone Judy struck Vanuatu on March 1. Anna was cooking Tanna Soup for dinner as the winds got stronger. As soon as the first piece of roofing iron went flying, they fled with their children and parents to a small cave nearby. Two days later […]
A Celebration of Elizabeth Mackie OP
You are invited to a time of sharing and celebration in memory of Elizabeth Mackie OP friend and longtime staff member of Christian World Service on Sunday, 21 May from 12:30 – 2:30 pm at the Aldersgate Centre 309 Durham St North Christchurch Central A lunch of soup and slices will be served, followed by […]
Pray for Palestine
CWS invites you to pray for peace with us through the seven weeks of Lent, an initiative of the Lutheran World Federation. The campaign was launched on Ash Wednesday with a focus on Ukraine. In the second week we prayed for Afghanistan. In week 3 we prayed for Ethiopia and South Sudan. In week 4 we prayed for West […]
Pray for Pakistan
Seven Weeks of Prayer for Peace CWS invites you to pray for peace with us through the seven weeks of Lent, an initiative of the Lutheran World Federation. The campaign was launched on Ash Wednesday with a focus on Ukraine. In the second week we prayed for Afghanistan. In week 3 we prayed for Ethiopia and South Sudan. In […]
Pray for Haiti
Seven Weeks of Prayer for Peace CWS invites you to pray for peace with us through the seven weeks of Lent, an initiative of the Lutheran World Federation. The campaign was launched on Ash Wednesday with a focus on Ukraine. In the second week we prayed for Afghanistan. In week 3 we prayed for Ethiopia and South Sudan. In […]
Pray for West Papua
Seven Weeks of Prayer for Peace CWS invites you to pray for peace with us through the seven weeks of Lent, an initiative of the Lutheran World Federation. The campaign was launched on Ash Wednesday with a focus on Ukraine. In the second week we prayed for Afghanistan. In week 3 we prayed for Ethiopia and South Sudan. […]
Pray for Ethiopia and South Sudan
Seven Weeks of Prayer for Peace CWS invites you to pray for peace with us through the seven weeks of Lent, an initiative of the Lutheran World Federation. The campaign was launched on Ash Wednesday with a focus on Ukraine. In the second week we prayed for Afghanistan. Today we pray for Ethiopia and South Sudan. Loving God […]
East Africa Appeal Update
Hunger likely to deepen in East Africa The weather does not look good for much of East Africa. In the latest forecast, ICPAC (IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Centre) says the next three months could see the failure of the sixth consecutive rain season in parts of Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Uganda. Almost 23 million […]
Turkey Syria Earthquake – One Month On
More help needed in Türkiye and Syria National Director Murray Overton thanks all our supporters for your very generous response to the Türkiye Syria Appeal, launched immediately after the magnitude 7.8 quake on February 6 local time. Donations will fund the ACT Alliance (Action by Churches Together) Appeal for local partners. In Syria, churches from […]
Thank you Peter
CWS is grateful to Peter Williams for his tremendous contribution to CWS. For 10 years he systematically filed the donation slips and records that make our work possible. The process required attention to detail and accuracy. Something Peter did so well. When Peter retired as vicar at St Michael’s and All Angels, Otautahi Christchurch in […]
In memory of Elizabeth Mackie
We give thanks for the life of Elizabeth Mackie who was a much-valued staff member from 1985-2006. She worked first as Office Manager and then led the International Programmes work. Elizabeth was a very dear friend and a great storyteller. Her strong sense of justice and compassion shaped our partner relationships and work. She died […]
Ukraine – Pray for Peace
On February 24 and every day we pray for peace in Ukraine. We invite you to join us in special prayers this weekend. The World Council of Churches and the Ukrainian Council of Churches are calling us to pray and fast at this time. On this day we want to thank so many of you […]
Auckland Floods 2023 – A Poementary
TAFEAGA Auckland Floods Poementary By Rev. Mua Strickson-Pua #1 2023 AUKALANI TAFEAGA Auckland Floods Verse 1: Aiga Samoa Whanau Aotearoa Famili Tonga Family England Tauiwi everyone Aiga Whanau Famili Family Tauiwi family of humanity Ngati Human Tribe. Verse 2: Samoa Lolo vai flood Aotearoa Waipuke flood Tonga Tafea flood England flood. Verse […]
World Day of Prayer 2023
The annual World Day of Prayer is a time to pray for peace and justice with people throughout the world in services led by women. This year it will be observed on Friday, 3 March around the country. All are welcome. Women from Taiwan have prepared this year’s service, drawing inspiration from Ephesians, “I have […]
CWS launches appeal for Turkey and Syria after Earthquakes
International aid agency Christian World Service is appealing for donations to help people affected by the earthquakes that rocked northern Syria and southeast Türkiye on Monday, February 6, 2023 at 4:13 am local time. The death toll is rising steadily as rescuers work hard to free survivors. More than 7,800 people have already lost their […]
Tonga Appeal One Year Report One year on, Tonga is grappling with many challenges following the eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai. CWS is grateful to our generous donors who are supporting our local partner, the Tonga Community Development Trust in their long-term response to affected communities. The Trust is working through ‘Ama Takiloa groups to […]
NZ aid agencies warn 50 million people facing extreme hunger crisis
Nine New Zealand aid agencies urge Kiwis to act now to provide life-saving support for people affected by the hunger crisis in East Africa. The world is currently facing one of the worst hunger and malnutrition crises in human history, with escalating conflict and an increase in extreme weather events due to climate change driving […]
After COP27
After COP27? “We join all global south negotiators in celebrating the COP27 commitment to a loss and damage facility. This is the result of their determined action over many years, supported by civil society and faith actors.” Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, General Secretary of ACT Alliance What Happened at COP27? COP27 negotiations wrapped up on […]
NZ aid agencies warn 50 million people facing extreme hunger crisis
NZ aid agencies warn 50 million people facing extreme hunger crisis Nine New Zealand aid agencies urge Kiwis to act now to provide life-saving support for people affected by the hunger crisis in East Africa. The world is currently facing one of the worst hunger and malnutrition crises in human history, with escalating conflict and […]
Pacific Churches call for Boycott of Indonesian Products and Programmes
Today we raise the West Papua Morning Flag, the Morning Star. From our partner the Pacific Conference of Churches: Call For Boycott of Indonesian Products and Programmes until UN Human Rights Team and International Media allowed into Papua and Cessation of Military Brutality on Papuan People The Pacific Conference of Churches today launches a call […]
Breakthrough for most Vulnerable at COP27
Climate induced loss and damage, situations where adaptation is inadequate or no longer an option, is a growing threat around the world, especially in vulnerable communities. Over 30 years ago small island states tried to bring this topic onto the UN climate agenda. At the end of the UN Climate summit in Egypt, COP27, we […]
Supporters’ Council 2022
We invite you to attend the Christian World Service Supporters’ Council on Friday 25th November 2022 at 7:30 pm Guest Presentation (via Zoom): Alwynn Javier, ACT Alliance regional representative for Asia and the Pacific Watch the video here. In person at: The Bishop Selwyn Chapel, Holy Trinity Cathedral 446 Parnell Road, Parnell Auckland – scroll down the website for details on how to get […]
Pacific Churches take Climate Action
The Pacific Conference of Churches is calling for less talk and more action that supports the resilience of Pacific communities affected by climate change at this year’s 27th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP 27) in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt. On the eve of COP27, the Pacific Conference of Churches takes a first […]
Climate Justice at COP 27
What is COP27? COP27 is the 27th Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Under the Paris Agreement (2015) 193 parties or countries agreed to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and boost funding for climate action. Representatives will agree on the next steps to address the […]
Special Project for Tonga
Methodist and Presbyterian Women are supporting Tongan women to rebuild and improve their livelihoods after the eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai, a tsunami and Covid-19. The Special Project will run until June 30, 2023. The Special Project will support the work of the Amatakiloa ‘a Fafine, a network of village-based women’s groups. The women […]
Reweaving the Strands of Justice
Reweaving the Strands of Justice Read the Transcript featuring Frances Namoumou, Programme Manager and Rev James Bhagwan, General Secretary From the Pacific Conference of Churches The Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC) is promoting a joint initiative, Reweaving the Ecological Mat, to change the narrative of development to one that nurtures community and the world […]
Who am I?
Changing the landscape for Dalit and Tribal Peoples Dalit children are used to being ignored and sometimes bullied in India’s schools, but those that have participated in life skills training have found their voices. CWS partner Ekta has devised a popular programme that combines netball and other games with learning. Discrimination based on the caste […]
Update on Ukraine
Thank you for supporting people who have fled their homes in Ukraine. Your donation to the Ukraine Appeal will help families with cash grants, psychosocial care and other support. Help is very much needed. Update On Ukraine Response With other agencies, CWS is funding the humanitarian work of ACT Alliance member, the Lutheran World Fellowship (LWF) […]
Seeking Safety and Relief in Pakistan
Thank you for the generous gifts to assist people who have lost their homes and livelihoods in Pakistan’s floods. Donations to the Pakistan Floods Appeal will help families survive with food and other assistance. In response to an urgent request from our local partner Community World Service Asia (CWSA), we have sent an initial $40,000 […]
UN talks on Killer Robots and Nuclear Weapons
At the end of July, the Group of Governmental Experts failed to make meaningful progress on the global effort to ban lethal autonomous weapons or Killer Robots. Negotiations take place under the auspices of the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW). The majority of participating states support the development of an international legal […]
Wellington Methodists join Operation Refugee
The 10am congregation of Wellington Methodist Parish had a fun evening putting their prayers into action at a special fundraising event. The parish organised a banquet, using the recipes and hints supplied by Christian World Service. A small group decided on the menu which included hummus and refried beans on flatbread, lentil soup with optional […]
Peace Sunday 2022
Peacemaking and working for justice are central to our faith as Christians. Each year CWS produces resources for Peace Sunday highlighting some of the ways your prayers and support give life in places of conflict and violence. Download this year’s worship resources: Peace! In the Methodist/Presbyterian calendar Peace Sunday is the closest Sunday to August […]
Refugee Sunday Resources 2022
“I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Jesus, Matthew 25:35 Welcome! is a resource kit for Refugee Sunday – designated as June 26, for Methodist and Presbyterian churches and July 3 for Anglican parishes. The kit includes stories from refugees, prayers, lectionary notes, activities and other material for worship. Refugee Sunday PPT Slide or […]
Directors Thank Donors for supporting Tonga
Michael Hartfield and Murray Overton, the directors of Anglican Missions and Christian World Service have written the following joint statement: “Thank you for generously supporting the Anglican Missions and Christian World Service appeals for the people of Tonga, following the volcanic eruption and tsunami earlier this year. There has been an amazing response with more […]
For a Modern Slavery Act
Christian World Service is supporting the joint campaign for a Modern Slavery Act. With other groups and organisations, we are asking our government to pass new legislation to protect people from exploitation and harm. We want New Zealand businesses to make sure that the goods we buy are produced by workers who are paid a […]
Fast for Ukraine
CWS invites you to fast and pray for Ukraine and for peace this Friday and every Friday through Lent. We can do more than follow the reports of people in danger and on the move. In prayer and fasting, we can express our support for the people of Ukraine and our longing for peace. Please […]
International Women’s Day
On International Women’s Day CWS joins with our local partners from South Sudan to Sri Lanka in celebrating the strength of women standing in solidarity. In South Sudan known more for its failings than for its achievement, one local NGO has been tackling discrimination against girls long before independence in 2011. The failure of the […]
CWS returns emblem to Greek Orthodox Church
National Director Murray Overton was delighted to return an ecumenical emblem, discovered in the CWS archives, to His Eminence Metropolitan Myron, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in New Zealand and Oceania, this week. The emblem recognised the beginning of a dialogue between the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches on Patmos Island in 1980 and […]
Thanks Trish
CWS thanked Trish Murray for the work she has done as International Programmes Coordinator at a small gathering in February. Jill Hawkey, on behalf of the CWS Board, acknowledged Trish’s development expertise and the way she fostered true partnership through our International Programmes, a model integral to CWS’s ethos. Former president of the Methodist Women’s […]
“Dad, is this what they call snow?”
It was around 5:00pm on that Saturday 15th of January 2022 and I was waiting in line at the car wash when one Ford Ranger cut through in front of me. I asked the attendant who said that the Ranger went to get something from the shop and would be back. I said to myself that […]
World Day of Prayer 2022
World Day of Prayer on Friday, March 4 Local women invite you to join the World Day of Prayer on Friday, 4 March in your community. Aotearoa New Zealand is one of the countries that start this annual event. This year’s resources were prepared by women from England, Northern Ireland and Wales with the theme, […]
Joint Church Leaders’ Statement of Support to Tonga
“… Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 We are watching the news reports from Tonga with great care and concern for the people of Tonga. The eruptions of Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai have caused considerable harm and we are only beginning to see […]
COP26 Report
One Month after COP26? The dust has settled on last month’s global climate negotiations held in Glasgow. For climate activists, the results were very disappointing. Campaigners including from the Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC) argued passionately for an ambitious deal to keep global warming under 1.5°C as agreed in the Paris Agreement. COP26 (Conference of […]
Supporters’ Council 2021
We invite you to attend the Christian World Service Supporters’ Council and Christmas Party 4:30 – 6 pm, Tuesday, December 14, 2021 Wananga Room, Aldersgate Centre 309 Durham St, Christchurch or by Zoom ‘Pasifika Talanoa’ Speaker: Rev. James Bhagwan, General Secretary, Pacific Conference of Churches (by Zoom from Fiji) All welcome RSVP by Thursday, December […]
We stand with West Papua
On December 1, CWS staff joined with others in Otautahi Christchurch to mark the 60th anniversary of West Papua’s brief independence. Louisa Wall MP and Duncan Webb MP raised the Morning Star flag. “Sixty years ago today, the West Papuan people held a congress and declared independence from Dutch colonial rule. The Morning Star flag […]
Post-2025 Climate Finance report
Climate finance is one of the important topics of the COP26 agenda. At this summit parties will start to negotiate a new architecture and targets for climate finance. The new collective and quantified finance agreement should be applied by 2025. When parties start to talk about future climate finance, they should refer to past experience. […]
CWS welcomes increased new Climate Aid
Christian World Service welcomes the Government’s commitment to provide climate aid to support some of the countries most vulnerable to climate change. The Government announced a $1.3 billion commitment over the next four years, of which at least 50 percent will be invested in the Pacific. The announcement was made ahead of critical United Nations’ […]
CWS supports petition to stop Killer Robots
At the end of September Christian World Service joined others in presenting a petition to Phil Twyford, Minister of Disarmament and Arms Control. The petition asks Parliament to prohibit the development, production and use of lethal autonomous weapon systems also known as killer robots in Aotearoa New Zealand, and to support negotiations for a new […]
Open Letter
CWS joined over 60 groups and community leaders to write to our government calling for more humanitarian aid for Afghanistan and opportunities for resettlement for its people. Read our open letter: Hon Nanaia Mahuta – Minister of Foreign Affairs URGENT 16 September 2021 Tēnā koe Minister Mahuta, More action needed from Government on Afghanistan We […]
Kiwis stand together to ask Government to step-up for Afghanistan
The United Nations has called for the international community to stand together for Afghanistan as world leaders meet at a flash appeal on Monday 13 September. Charity groups, local communities and other organisations in Aotearoa have taken the opportunity to call upon the New Zealand government to commit to more humanitarian aid. Executive Director of […]
CWS Appeals for Haiti
Haiti was rocked by a powerful earthquake on Saturday, August 14 local time followed by heavy rains from Tropical Storm Grace. The death toll has reached 2,100 and will rise as bodies are recovered from the rubble. More than 20,000 people have been injured and the homes of 50,000 families destroyed. The homes of a […]
New National Director
Sally Russell, chairperson of the Christian World Service Board welcomes Murray Overton as the new National Director to Christian World Service. “I commend Murray to our supporters, partner churches, colleagues and international partners,” says Sally. Murray will take up the position on 23 August, based in the national office. “I am confident Murray will build […]
Uganda: Coronavirus Update
Charles Rwabambari, Director of the Centre for Community Solidarity in Uganda has written expressing his thanks for a grant from the Coronavirus Appeal. CCS used their earlier grant to educate the 25 communities where they work on how to protect themselves, to buy sewing machines to make facemasks and train young women to make them. […]
Fiji Covid Appeal Focus
Christian World Service has relaunched its Coronavirus Appeal for Fiji in response to an urgent request from partner SEEP (the Social Empowerment Education Programme). CWS partner SEEP is responding to the rising need and working alongside other non-government agencies in the Suva-Nausori corridor. Staff have begun distributing emergency rations on behalf of other organisations under […]
In Solidarity with Haiti
In much of Haiti people may be hungry and in danger from violence and the latest Covid spike, but they are relentless in their struggle for a better life. Christian World Service partner the Karl Lévêque Cultural Institute (ICKL) is deeply involved in the people’s movement. Director Marc-Arthur Fils-Aimé asks for international solidarity in support […]
Fiji Coronavirus Appeal
CWS Appeals for Fijians short of Food Christian World Service is appealing for Fijian families facing serious food shortages in the wake of Covid-19. People are missing out on emergency food distributions during the current sharp rise in Covid-19 infections. CWS is relaunching its Coronavirus Appeal for Fiji over the next few months. Donations to […]
Tribute to John Osmers
By Pauline McKay, National Director Bishop John Osmers spent much of his life supporting the anti-apartheid struggle in southern Africa. Born in Ashburton, he died from Covid-19 in Lusaka, Zambia where he was a retired bishop in the Anglican Church. We were very sad to hear of his death. John was legendary in the anti-apartheid […]
Vacancy: National Director
Are you passionate about international development? Committed to working for a world free of poverty and injustice? CWS is seeking a National Director to lead this small and dynamic organisation. As the justice, aid and development organisation of its partner churches, CWS has been engaged in working for a just world for over 75 years. […]
CWS Appeals for Indian families facing Second Wave of Covid
Christian World Service is appealing for funds to respond to the rapidly escalating Covid-19 crisis in India. “Our partners are anxious to protect the communities they work with from infection and hunger in this second wave. They have asked for urgent funding to deliver emergency food assistance and hygiene supplies as well as support community […]
Steps Towards a Solution in Syria Urgently Needed
35 of the leading aid agencies have joined together to warn of the suffering and increased, irreversible, damage if the growing humanitarian needs in Syria are not met and a political solution is not found. The 35 agencies have highlighted that a decade since the outset of the conflict, living conditions for many Syrians are […]
Big Hearts Connected World – Final Push
Christian World Service is seeking more signatures for a joint petition to boost overseas aid and increase funding for climate action. The petition will be presented to parliament in mid-March as part of a joint campaign to put New Zealand’s commitment to countries most vulnerable to climate change and with the lowest incomes. When the […]
World Day of Prayer 2021
World Day of Prayer on Friday, March 5, 2021 A series of devastating tropical cyclones form the backdrop to this year’s World Day of Prayer services to be held on Friday, March 5. Services are being organised by local committees throughout the country. All are welcome. Through the resources they prepared for this global event, […]
In memory of Barbara Stephens
CWS gives thanks for the life and contribution of Rev. Barbara Stephens, National Coordinator from 1986 -1994. Barbara lead the organisation through a period of significant change, drawing on her learning and experience of working as the Education Secretary for the Christian Conference of Asia. In Asia she encountered emerging theologies that explored faith from […]
Order Christmas Resources today
Food sustains life. We are preparing to launch this year’s Christmas Appeal in response to the growing need for food. Please order posters, envelopes and service sheets today. For the last 75 years, your donations have helped “the millions in the east and the west, who are hungry, cold, and homeless”. These words from Archbishop West Watson […]
It’s Our Duty: Helping after the Beirut Blast
After the explosion at Beirut’s port, young people from Dbayeh Camp turn up every morning to help people suffering from its effects. Sylvia Haddad, executive director of the DSPR Lebanon (Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees), known locally as the Joint Christian Committee, tells their story: Young eyes turned to Elias Habib. The Joint […]
Supporters’ Council 2020
We invite you to attend the Christian World Service Supporters’ Council 7:30 – 9:30 pm, Friday 30 October 2020 Wananga Room, Aldersgate at 309 Durham St, Christchurch or by Zoom ‘Who are we? Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future’ Speaker: Professor David Tombs, Centre for Theology and Public Issues, University of Otago People […]
Disaster Strikes Beirut
Sylvia Haddad is the executive director of the Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon. She shares her story from Beirut where she lives: On August 4, 2020 at 7pm local time, all buildings in Beirut felt the earth shake beneath them. As I live on the 10th floor of a 12 storey building, […]
Big Hearts Connected World
Christian World Service, Oxfam and World Vision with the backing of ten other leading aid agencies have launched a petition calling for the government to adopt a Collective Resilience Plan – a three-year roadmap to boost New Zealand aid and climate finance. As the coronavirus pandemic threatens to undo decades of progress in the fight […]
Peace Sunday 2021
Jesus said, “I am the bread of Life”. CWS has prepared worship resources to support your prayers and action for peace. In the Methodist/Presbyterian calendar Peace Sunday is the closest Sunday to August 6, Hiroshima Day—this year August 8. Anglicans recognise a Special Intention ‘For the Peace of the World’. Download Peacemakers, Lifegivers […]
Rising Refugee Numbers Require Action
Rising Refugee Numbers Require New Action Christian World Service is deeply concerned about the continuing rise in the number of refugees and displaced people. Ahead of World Refugee Day on 20 June, the United Nations announced a staggering 79.5 million or one in 97 people displaced, up from 70.8 million the year before. The UN […]
Refugee Sunday
Every day thousands of desperate people take to the road or the sea, seeking safety from harm. Some stay within their home country as displaced people while others often make the dangerous journey to other mostly poorer countries. Turkey, Colombia, Pakistan and Uganda host over 9 million refugees between them. On World Refugee Day (June […]
CWS seeks new Board member
Christian World Service is seeking expressions of interest from persons who would like to become a member of the Board of Trustees. CWS is an international aid and development agency that serves its partner churches of New Zealand and its local partners in developing countries. We are looking for a nominee who is passionate about […]
No-one is safe until we are all safe
An open letter to the New Zealand Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Minister of Finance, from fourteen leading New Zealand international aid agencies Dear Prime Minister Ardern, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Peters, and Finance Minister Robertson, We thank you for the unprecedented steps your government has […]
COVID19 – The Work Must Go On
COVID19 – The Work Must Go on Christian World Service is continuing its work to end poverty. We are in contact with our international partners who are experiencing many of the same situations – all are worried about what happens if COVID19 is not contained. Now we are approaching the highest Alert level, we want […]
Join the World Day of Prayer on Friday March 6, 2020
Expect to hear the warm sounds of music from Zimbabwe on Friday, March 6 for the World Day of Prayer services. Local women’s groups will host these services using material written by women from Zimbabwe. The service and Bible study “Rise! Take your Mat and Walk”, focus on the meeting between Jesus and a man […]
Receipts coming soon – CWS moves office
We are grateful for the generous donations to the Christmas and other appeals. Staff and volunteers are working hard to catch up on receipting, delayed by the move. Receipts will be in the mail in the next few weeks. Christian World Service has moved its main office to the Aldersgate Centre, Durham Street Methodist, 309 […]
CWS appeals for Samoa Measles Recovery
Christian World Service is appealing for donations to support Samoan families affected by the measles outbreak. Sadly, 71 people mostly under five months old have lost their lives. Nearly 5,000 people have been infected with the virus. Donations to the appeal will enable trained community carers to provide psychosocial support for families. They will also […]
Special Project 2022
Methodist and Presbyterian Women are focusing on Family Well-being in the Pacific for their annual special project. This year’s Special Project begins with the words from John 3:16, ‘For God so loved the world’. Methodist and Presbyterian women have reflected on what is happening and responded with a focus on the Pacific. Promoting Pacific Well-being […]
Syria The World is Watching
Unprecedented collaboration by 12 CEOs as humanitarian disaster in Syria worsens As the Syria crisis escalates, the heads of 12 New Zealand aid organisations have joined forces to call on the government to act on one of the biggest humanitarian disasters of this generation. Together they are calling for the government to resume financial support […]
Peace Sunday Resources
CWS has prepared worship resources for Peace Sunday designated as August 4 in the lectionary calendar of Anglican, Methodist and Presbyterian Churches. Rev Jordan Redding has contributed a reflection that sharpens our focus on the work of the Maohi Protestant Church in our region and a litany for peace. The material is based on the […]
Buy Trade Aid, Support CWS
CWS is pleased to announce a new initiative with Trade Aid which will benefit Trade Aid producers and CWS partners. Donors will have the opportunity to buy direct from Trade Aid from July 1, and enter a special promotional code. Donors enter the words “ChristianWorldServiceFundraiser19” in the box marked Promo Code when ordering. When you […]
Refugee Sunday Resources
CWS invites parishes to mark Refugee Sunday designated as 23 June in the Methodist and Presbyterian calendar and 7 July in the Anglican tradition. World Refugee Day is on June 20. This year we highlight the plight of refugees from Syria, some of whom were already Palestinian refugees. Worship resources “What are you doing here, Elijah?” […]
CWS seeks new Board Member
Christian World Service (CWS) is seeking expressions of interest from persons who would be interested in being a member of its Board. Ideal person profile First and foremost: an empathy and understanding for the mission and purpose of Christian World Service and respect for its theological perspective, its history and ecumenical nature. For this vacancy […]
CWS seeks new International Programmes Working Group Member
CWS is seeking expressions of interest for membership on its International Programmes Working Group. The Working Group, a sub-committee of the Board, is responsible for strategic decisions related to CWS partnerships, programmes and the international budget. It facilitates the voice of overseas partners in decision-making, including in the broader operations of CWS. We are looking […]
Christian World Service welcomes new Chair
Claire Hart was recently elected as the new chair of Christian World Service’s Board. Auckland-based, she brings a fresh perspective to the work of an organisation that has served New Zealand churches for 72 years. According to National Director Pauline McKay, Claire brings some valuable skills to the role as CWS seeks to broaden its […]